Today's blog centers around a 47 year old female, who works in healthcare. Our survey taker lists the country she belongs to as the United States, but she gives us some insight into her culture.
The first thing on our friend's mind is people who incorrectly believe, "we are all terrorists." You can almost hear the hurt in her voice as she says the words. One truth about her culture is they eat with their hands a lot, using bread as their utensil.
Every one of her answers points to her dream of "no hungry kids". If she could change the world, she would make sure every child had three square meals a day and candy on Saturday. I have always loved Saturday! She gets angry when kids in America go hungry, because in her words, "there is no excuse."
Her greatest joy comes in helping the poor by supplying food for them. Guess why she wishes for more money. You got it! To buy food to feed the poor. What kind of future does she see for her children? They will carry on where she left off with the hungry...of course.
Our friend defines success as "going to bed every night exhaused from doing the right thing." I've got some work to do in that arena. I go to bed almost every night exhausted, but it's because I am serving myself, not others.
I would like to hear some comments from you. Tell me how the war on terrorism has affected you and what you are doing to feel secure in an insecure world.
Also, there are several surveys on my website, including a new one for married couples. Please visit my website at and take one or more of the life changing surveys. The married couple survey is giving me incredible insight, which I will share with you soon.
Keep up the good work!